Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reading: Emily of New Moon

Without realizing it, I chose the perfect book to read while nursing my brand new son Sebastian. 
When I read Emily's father's description of the night she was born, I couldn't wait to share it. I read it aloud to Pete as he dozed. It captures how I feel about my children--especially in those first few intoxicating days of their lives--so well. 

"And we were so happy--oh, Emilykin, there never were two happier people in the world. You were the only child of that happiness. I remember the night you were born in the little house in Charlottetown. It was in May and a west wind was blowing silvery clouds over the moon. There was a star or two here and there.  In our tiny garden--everything we had was small except our love and our happiness--it was dark and blossomy. I walked up and down the path between the beds of violets your mother had planted--and prayed. The pale east was just beginning to glow like a rosy pearl when someone came and told me I had a little daughter. I went in--and your mother, white and weak, smiled just that dear, slow, wonderful smile I loved, and said, 'We've--got--the only--baby--of any importance--in--the world, dear. Just--think--of that!'"

-Emily of New Moon


  1. Such a good description of those wonderful feelings!

  2. so happy for you! and how lovely, that quote; what a mercy of God, these precious days!
